We may know now which men, but I think its pretty clear and widely accepted that it was written by men. I’ve never heard a valid argument that supports a conclusion that it was written by Satan.
My point wasn't to do with who wrote the bible. It's mainly attributed to being inspired of god, so effectivly he wrote it.
My point followed on from your comment where you said that "we don't have the capacity to experience spiritual things through our senses..."
So even if an angel appeared to you, how would you know it was not some spiritual hoax by some other being acting as an angel?
If Jesus materialised right in front of you, how would or could you know that it wasn't actually Zeus playing a game?
My point is, if you have no way to perceive the spiritual relm, as you rightly say, how can you know if any supernatural experience is authentic?
And if Satan wrote the bible, how do you know that he hasn't tricked everyone into thinking otherwise? What valid argument could prove or disprove such a claim?